List of articles of Sergei V. Vasilenko

1. Vasilenko, S.V. 1988. [Inch-worm moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Tomsk province]. In: Ekologiya i geografiya chlenistonogikh Sibiri [Ecology and geography of Arthropoda in Siberia]. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press, p. 34-35 (in Russian).

2. Vasilenko, S.V. 1988. [Family Geometridae - inch-worm moths]. In: Dubatolov, V.V. & Vasilenko, S.V. [Some new and little known Lepidoptera (Macrolepidoptera) from Yakutia]. In: Nasekomye lugovo-tayozhnykh biotsenozov Yakutii [Insects of field-taiga biocenoses of Yakutia]. Yakutsk: YF SO AN SSSR Press, p. 60-68 (in Russian).

3. Vasilenko, S.V. 1989. [New findings of the inch-worm moths of the Genus Xanthorhoe Hb. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) in West Siberia]. Vestnik zoologii, 1989, No 1, p. 74 (in Russian).

4. Vasilenko, S.V. 1990. [Review of the species group Entephria polata Dup. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)]. In: Taksonomiya nasekomykh i gel'mintov [Taxonomy of insects and helmints]. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press, p. 79-89 (in Russian).

5. Vasilenko, S.V. 1990. {Inch-worm moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Northern Kulunda steppe. 1 report]. In: Chlenistonogie i gel'minty [Arthropoda and helmints]. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press, p. 106-122 (in Russian).

6.  Stroganova V.K., Vasilenko S.V. 1990. [K faune pililstikov (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) Yacutii. Soobstenie I.]. Novosibirsk: Nauka Press, p. 71-75 (in Russian).

7. Vasilenko, S.V. 1991. [A new species of the genus Entephria (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the North-Eastern Siberia]. In: Novosti faunistiki i sistematiki [News of faunistics and systematics]. Kiev: Naukova Dumka Press, p. 84-86 (in Russian).

8. Vasilenko, S.V. 1992. Moths from Soutern Sakhalin and Kunashir, collected in 1989. Part 3. Geometridae excluding Ennominae. Japan Heterocerists' Jornal, No 166, p. 282-285.

9. Vasilenko S.V. 1992. Inch-worm moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of the forest-steppe belt of the West Siberian Plain. Abstract of PhD thesis. Novosibirsk: SB RAS Press, 26 p. (in Russian).

10. Vasilenko, S.V. 1993. [A new species of the inch-worm moth (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the South Siberian mountains]. Sibirskii biologicheskii zhurnal [Siberian biological journal], 1993, No 2, p. 74-76 (in Russian).

11. Vasilenko, S.V. 1993. Drei seltene Spannerarten (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) aus Turkmenistan. Actias, vol. 1, No 1-2, S. 119-120.

12. Vasilenko, S.V. 1994. [Some Features of the Life Cycle of Idaea biselata (Leidoptera, Geometridae) in the West Siberian Plain]. Zoologicheskii zhurnal [Zoological Journal], vol. 73, No 2, p. 126-127 (in Russian).

13. Vasilenko, S.V. 1995. [Review of the inch-worm moth group Xanthorhoe sajanaria (Lepidoptera, Geometridae)]. Entomologicheskoe obozrenie [Entomological Review], vol. 74, No 3, p. 662-668 (in Russian).

14. Vasilenko, S.V. 1995. Neue Arten der Aplocera plagiata (Linnaeus, 1758) - Gruppeaus den Gebiergen Mittelasiens. Atalanta, Bd. 26, No 1/2, S. 303-309.

15. Vasilenko, S.V. 1996. Some Features of the Life Cycle of Idaea biselata (Leidoptera, Geometridae) in the West Siberian Plain, Entomological review, vol. 75, No 2, p. 163-165.

16. Vasilenko, S.V. 1996. [A new species of the inch-worm moth genus Semiothisa (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Southern Turkmenistan]. Zoologicheskii zhurnal [Zoological Journal], vol. 75, No 10, p. 1592-1595 (in Russian).

17. Vasilenko, S.V. 1997. Eine neue Scopula-Art aus Transbaikalien (Geometridae). Nota lepidopterologica, vol. 20, No 2/3, S. 322-325.

18. Vasilenko, S.V. 1998. The geometer-moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of Kurgan district. In: Bespozvonochnye zhivotnye Yuzhnogo Zaural'ya i sopredel'nykh territorii [The Invertebrates of animals of the South Transural region and the neighbouring territories]. (The materials of the All-Russian conference, April 14-16, 1998). Kurgan: Kurgan State University Publ., p. 82-86 (in Russian).

19. Vasilenko, S.V. 1998. [A list of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), new to the fauna of Western Siberia] In: Bespozvonochnye zhivotnye Yuzhnogo Zaural'ya i sopredel'nykh territorii [The Invertebrates of animals of the South Transural region and the neighbouring territories]. (The materials of the All-Russian conference, April 14-16, 1998). Kurgan: Kurgan State University Publ., p. 86-88 (in Russian).

20. Vasilenko, S.V. 1998. [New and rare geometer-moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) in Siberia and the Far East]. Zoologicheskii zhurnal [Zoological Journal], vol. 77, No 10, p. 1137-1142 (in Russian).

21. Vasilenko, S.V. Die seltenen Spannerarten (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) aus Turkmenistan. Teil II. Russian Entomol J., Vol. 7, No 3-4, p. 221-224.

22. Vasilenko, S.V. 1999. [Addition to the faunistic list of geometer moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of the Daurskii State Nature Reserve. In: Insects of Dahuria and adjacent territories. No. 2. Proceedings of the Daurskii State Biosphere Nature Reserve. Novosibirsk, p. 224-227 (in Russian).

23. Vasilenko, S.V. 1999. [Several taxonomic corrections for three species of geometrid moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from Middle Asia. Entomologicheskoe obozrenie, vol. 78, No 2, p. 406-408 (in Russian).

24. Vasilenko, S.V. 2000. [A new species of the genus Idaea (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) from the Far East]. Zoologicheskii zhurnal [Zoological Journal], vol. 79, No 7, p. 868-871 (in Russian).

25. Mordkovich V.G., Barkalov A.V., Vasilenko S.V., Grishina L.G., Dubatolov V.V., Dudko R.Yu., Zinchenko V.K., Zolotarenko G.S. Legalov A.A., Marchenko I.I., Tshernyshev S.E. 2000. Concentration of species richness of arthropods in West-Siberian forest-steppe of Northern Asia. In: Biodiversity and dynamics of ecosystems in Northern Eurasia. - Vol. 3. Section "Diversity of the fauna of North Eurasia". Part 1. Novosibirsk, Russia, August 21-26, 2000. - Novosibirsk, p. 79-80.

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