Haplomalachius (Haplomalachius) pseudomelanorhynchus S. Tshernyshev, 1998

Russian Entomological Journal 7 (3-4): 133-135, Figs. 16-22.


Haplomalachius pseudomelanorhynchus, paratype, color image

Male, S IRAN, Sirakht, Dena, locality No 241, 2500-3000 m, 13-14.VI 1973.

Paratype labels, color image

Paratype labels. Этикетки паратипа.


Tshernyshev, S.E. (1998): Towards the knowledge of the Malachius group soft-winged flower beetles (Coleoptera, Malachiidae) of the fauna of Russia and adjacent countries // Russian Entomological Journal 7 (3-4): 129-146.

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