Plebejides sephyrus (Frivaldszky, 1835)

Plebejides sephyrus abchasicus (Nekrutenko, 1975)
=Plebejus (Plebejides) pylaon abchasicus Nekrutenko, 1975

Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29 (3): 151-153, fig. 1-2, 7.


Plebejides sephyrus abchasicus, paratype, color image
Upperside. Вид сверху.

Plebejides sephyrus abchasicus, paratype, color image

Underside. Вид снизу.

Paratype labels, color image
Paratype labels. Этикетки паратипа.
Male, Caucasus, Abkhasia, Lake Ritsa vicinity, 700-800 m, 6.VI 1971 (Yu.P.Nekrutenko leg.).
Самец, Кавказ, Абхазия, окрестности озера Рица, 700-800 м н.ур.м., 6 июня 1971 (Ю.П.Некрутенко).


Nekrutenko, Yu.P. (1975): Two new subspecies of Plebejus (Plebejides) pylaon from the Southern and Northern sides ot the West Caucasus (Lycaenidae) // Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 29 (3): 151-155.

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