collection of Siberian Zoological Museum
(curator - V.V.Dubatolov)

materials from different regions of Russia are encoded as: FS RU CU UR WS SS MS CY NE NF KM AM SH KU

Nematopogon dorsiguttela (Erschoff, 1877) WS SS AM
Nematopogon schwarziellus (Zeller, 1839) Finland
Nematopogon magna (Zeller, 1878) AM SH
Nematopogon metaxella (Hübner, [1813]) WS Finland
Nematopogon panzerella (Fabricius, 1794) WS
Nematopogon robertella (Clerck, 1759) SS
Cauchas breviantennella Schmidt Nielsen et Johansson, 1980 Yakutia
Adela cuprella ([Denis et Schiffermüller, [1775]) CU
Adela suffusa Caradja, 1920 AM
Nemotois dumerilellus (Duponchel, [1839]) WS
Nemotois violellus (Zeller, 1852) WS
Nemotois metallica (Poda, 1761) RU
Nemotois ?fasciellus (Fabricius, 1775) SS
Nemophora amatella (Staudinger, 1892) (=amurensis (Alpheraky, 1897) WS SS Magadan AM KU Finland
Nemophora askoldella (Millière, 1879) AM
Nemophora degeerella (Linnaeus, 1758) RU SS
Nemophora bellela (Walker, 1863) (=esmarkella Wocke, 1864) WS SS
Nemophora japonica Stringer, 1930 KU
Nemophora karafutonis (Matsumura, 1932) AM
Nemophora lapikiella Kozlov, 1997 AM
Nemophora ochsenheimerella (Hübner, [1813]) SS AM KU
Nemophora raddei (Rebel, 1901) SS AM
Nemophora schrencki (Bremer, 1864) AM
Nemophora staudingerella (Christoph, 1881) AM
Nemophora sylvatica Hirowatari, 1995 KU
Nemophora umbripennis Stringer, 1930 KU
Nemophora sp.1 UR
Nemophora sp.2 UR
Nemophora sp.3 Finland

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