Sergei Ivanovich OGNEV (1886-1951)
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S.I.OGNEV, photo
Full Curriculum Vitae of Sergei I. OGNEV could be found in: V.G.Geptner. Sergei Ivanovich OGNEV and his “The Mammals of Russia (USSR)”. “The Mammals of Russia (USSR) and adjacent countries”, 1957, v. IX, p.7-13.

Sergei Ivanovich OGNEV was born on November 5, 1886 in Moscow. In 1910 he finished Moscow University with Ph.D. degree and than he was stayed their at the Zoology Department headed by Prof. G.A.Kozhevnikov.

From 1910 he began his pedagogical activity and he became a Professor in 1928. In 1935 he was conferred Doctor of Science degree without defending a thesis. His works were twice awarded by Prize of Stalin. He had a rank of Scientist of Merit and was awarded by Order of Lenin.

Sergei Ivanovich have founded a Moscow School of Theriology. He had a private zoological collection and perfect library, which was always opened for his disciples:
Dr. K.A.Vorobiev, Prof. L.A.Portenko, Prof. B.A.Kuznetsov, Prof. A.B.Volchanetskyi, Prof. A.N.Formozov, Prof. N.A.Bobrinskyi, Prof. K.K.Flerov, Prof. S.P.Naumov, Prof. N.P.Naumov, Prof. A.G.Bannikov, associated Prof. E.A.Pavlova, Prof. S.U.Stroganov, Dr. A.G.Tomilin, Prof. A.P.Kuzyakin, O.A.Kharuzin, associated Prof. S.D.Pereleshin, Prof. L.B.Beme, associated Prof. N.M.Dukelskaya, associated Prof. N.V.Shibanov, Prof. S.S.Turov, Prof. V.G.Geptner.

Sergei I.OGNEV wrote a number of teaching books on Vertebrate Zoology. The main field of his work was a scientific activity. Sergei Ivanovich OGNEV is well known in the World as a specialist on mammals, taxonomist and faunist. The idea to write a large and complete monograph on mammals of USSR defined the main direction of the work of his whole life.

By the “The Mammals of USSR and adjacent countries” of Sergei U.OGNEV created an epoch in studying of our mammal fauna and this monograph is considered in the Gold Found of our zoological literature.

Significance of “Animals of the USSR” for Russian Science is invaluable. The blossoming of Theriology in Russia is directly connected with activity of Sergei I.OGNEV with his “Animals of USSR”. It is an example of strikingly diligence and purposeful work. All the 7 Volumes of “The Mammals of USSR and adjacent countries” contains almost 4900 pages of text, 56 color tables, and almost 2000 figures.

Many of numerous works of Sergei I.OGNEV were based on his own expedition and field studies.

Sergei Ivanovich OGNEV died in December 20, 1951 near Moscow after a hard illness.

A list of OGNEV’s fundamental monographs:

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